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Baldur's Gate 3 How to find your belongings in the Hollow

Tricksy tiefling kids have stolen your belongings, but how do you get them back?

Tav checking their pockets for their belongings in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

At the Druids' Grove in Baldur's Gate 3, there's a mix of people who're down on their luck and others looking to take advantage of that situation. One such group of naughty ne'er-do-wells includes Mattis and Mol, tiefling kids who're fleecing the rest of the refugees and stealing their belongings.

However, when your belongings are stolen by the tiefling kids, you resolve to get them back and give the kids a good talking to. The only problem is that they're a lot smaller than you, and accessing their hideout through holes in the cave walls isn't such a simple task.

Here's how to find your belongings in Baldur's Gate 3 and access the thieves' hideout.

An important note: you must complete this quest before you advance the quest with the head druid Halsin, otherwise a key character will meet an untimely end before you can save them!

How to find your belongings in Baldur's Gate 3

In the Hollow in the Druid Grove, you speak to an entrepreneurial young merchant, Mattis.

Indulge his tricks, passing the difficult check to mimic his slight of hand if you wish. And if you're feeling mean, characters with the Urchin origin will gain a point of Inspiration if you manage to steal the ring. Either way, throughout the conversation you get multiple perception checks. Pass one and you will notice you've been pickpocketed and gain a new side quest to find your belongings.

Tav investigating a hole in The Hollow in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

After the conversation with Mattis you will notice Silfy next to him run down a ladder and slip through a gap in the rocks. If you're a tall race, you won't be able to fit through the gap. Speak to the kids again, passing intimidate checks and the like to get some more info if you wish, but it's no use - you're not getting in.

Tav investigating a concealed hatch in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

To the left of Mattis, there's another young tiefling, Doni. Speak to him and if you pass another perception check, you will spot a concealed hatch as another point of entry. To make use of this breakthrough however, you'll need to play the hero.

How to get into the Tiefling hideout

Tav walking towards the Secluded Cove to find their belongings in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

Whether you spotted the concealed hatch or not, make your way down the path past Mattis towards where the druids are performing their ritual. Past the bear, on your left, is an easy to miss side path which leads to the Secluded Cove.

Here, next to the water, you see another young tiefling, Mirkon. Approach him and prepare for battle.

He's been charmed by the siren song of harpies in the cove, and once you break him free of the spell they attack.

Astarion fighting a harpy in the Secluded Cove in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

The harpies can hit relatively hard with strong melee, but run a couple of ranged characters up onto the cliff on your right to gain the high ground advantage. Focus your attacks on the singing harpy and it will break the charm on Mirkon, allowing him to run to safety.

Tav looting a harpy nest in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

Once they're defeated, calm Mirkon down and he will thank you for saving him. You can jump your way around the coast to search the harpy nest if you want, but to continue the quest to find your belongings, return to Doni and give him the password you learned from Mirkon.

This grants you unrestricted access to the Tiefling Hideout. Inside, speak to the leader, Mol. She's happy that you saved her friend and lets you invest in their criminal venture. Giving them a little gold will net you some friends in Baldur's Gate once you arrive, but it's up to you and your moral scruples.

Mol, leader of the tiefling thieves, speaking to the party in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

From here, Mol has another proposition for you: steal the druids' sacred idol so they can sell it for cash. Inadvisable if you want to stay in the good graces of your hosts before you head off to the Goblin Camp, but a real treat if you're role-playing a chaotic character.

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James Billcliffe

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James suffers so you don't have to, creating expert guides for the toughest games and reviews for the biggest blockbuster releases.

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